

Images of the water turned off at Niagara Falls

Posted at 4:59 PM, Jan 27, 2016
and last updated 2016-01-27 16:59:11-05

There's a lot of talk of turning off the water to Niagara Falls, but truth be told, it's happened once before.

In 1969, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers blocked the flow of water for six months to survey the rockfall. The current plan could see the water stopped for at least as many months as crews work to replace a set of bridges. A breakdown of that plan can be seen here.

The images below come from the Niagara Falls Public Library:

And while talking about the Falls and its history, Richard Sullivan wanted to share this picture from 1885, which shows David Nugent, his great-granduncle and Fingy Conners' chief lieutenant and enforcer, posing at Prospect Point:




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