

Grand Island man works to ban animal traps

Posted at 7:03 PM, Dec 30, 2015
and last updated 2015-12-30 19:03:33-05

Dave Reilly goes on walks with his dog Ellie every day.

“We have 33 acres that run out of our property. We were out walking our dog around the perimeter and realized there was an area disturbed and looked closer, there was a trap,” Reilly said.

This is a picture of a six-inch foot trap from the DEC. Reilly said traps similar to these, used to catch animals like coyotes for fur, are legal for residents to set up on public land. The land includes parks and recreation areas.

“An issue is providing safety for public. They are hidden traps and provide a potential danger to anyone walking by,” Reilly said.

Reilly decided to go to the Town of Grand Island Board for help. The board banned traps on public land surrounding Reilly’s farm on Whitehaven Road.

“Very often they are very hard to remove an animal from and when the animal tries to get free it can tear ligaments and break bones,” Reilly said.

Now, he wants more for residents, drafting a resolution to ban traps on public space across the entire island.

“It a safety issue but it’s also an excluding issue. Public land is for everybody but when you put a trap in the space you make it impossible for people to use that space,” Reilly said.

Reilly plans to present this resolution to the newly-elected town board mid-January. He hopes this will allow animals and residents to enjoy the scenic island without concern.




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