

Fans impressed with new Star Wars movie

Posted at 11:25 PM, Dec 17, 2015
and last updated 2015-12-18 07:06:30-05

Thousands of movie-goers flocked to theaters to watch history play out on the big screen.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens made its advance premiere across the country Thursday night, and no matter Jedi or member of the dark side, fans told 7 Eyewitness News they loved the movie.

“The storyline is great and the epic space battles and the lightsabers, just all of it is wicked awesome,” said Leigh Seeley.

“The whole thing is cool,” said Dennis Fiegl, who came to see it with his wife, Sandy. She added, “It’s always a good ending.”

“The kind of thing that our parents watched it when they were our age and they pass that on to us,” said Kori Bishop.

The film cost between $175-200 million to produce. It will make its debut on Friday, when it will be released in 4,500 theaters nationwide.

Box office analysts predict the film will surpass Avatar's previously held record.

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