

Bar owners crack down on fake IDs

Posted at 5:05 PM, Jan 27, 2016
and last updated 2016-01-27 19:11:07-05

On Friday, 20 people with fake forms of identification were arrested at The Statesmen, a popular college in Geneseo.

Bar owners say they face challenges keeping out potential patrons with fake IDs and always have to be on their "A" game as technology changes.

"The changing technology, just like anything else," said Jay Manno, who owns Frankie's Primo and Soho Burger Bar on Chippewa. "You think you figured it out, and the next thing you know, somebody overseas or in Canada comes up with new technology."

Manno says minors and those underage largely avoid his establishments. However, he says there have been attempts of underage patrons to enter his establishments, and even with tough rules, he's sure some have been successful.

Manno, along with Bottom's Up General Manager David Robida, both tell 7 Eyewitness News that they recently ordered scanners to check identification. Those scanners even build a database of names used on counterfeit identification.

However, some companies, which come from other countries, claim to be able to get around that technology.

The State Liquor Authority even provides training in how to spot a fake ID. Robida says members of his staff receive that training.

Manno adds that some liquor companies send handbooks to show sample driver's licenses in all 50 states. Due to the complexity of New York Driver's Licenses, many underage drinkers order fake identification from other states.

However, Manno says that the best way to avoid underage patrons is to build a reputation of being tough to get into. He hands over all fake ID's to police and asks for two forms of identification.

"That's probably the best way to do it," Manno said. "Cause what are you going to do, get a fake social security card and a fake driver's license?"




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